Making Healthcare Simple

Patients and Caregivers

Giving you the peace of mind that wherever you go, wherever you might need care, your healthcare professional will have the full picture of your health history. You are in charge of your health data. With access to your Liberate health record, you can expect to listen to instructions, be involved in decisions, get more detailed explanations about your care and be treated as a person with individual needs.

Healthcare Providers

The hub of patient data, offering easy access to vital - and sometimes life-saving information, so you can always be confident you’re providing the best care. Lead digital transformation with an interoperable solution that allows medical information to be shared seamlessly across providers - and with patients in one safe and secure system. Liberate is borderless. Patients receiving care can quickly access and share information globally.

Data Partners

Bring digital transformation to the heart of health and care with Liberate Health - the most advanced patient portal in the world.

With incomparable opportunities to benefit both patients and wider healthcare economies, our patient-centered platform offers a truly borderless approach to information sharing, while maintaining high standards of data security and privacy. Our scalable model radically transforms healthcare services across populations with care pathways that increase patient activation and professional capacity whilst generating cash savings.

Liberate Health creates efficiencies in the system, providing the freedom to innovate, facilitate research and do more of the things on the Big Data ‘wish-list’. Our open data fits into any chosen population health analytics tools so resources can be allocated more effectively and strategically.

Click here if you would like to review the healthcare provider Business Associates Agreement or Terms of Use.

Get Connected With Us

The Liberate platform includes digital patient engagement tools that support healthcare professionals during the most important and time constrained encounters of the patient’s health journey.